MY PET PLANT All about pets, plants, aquariums Sat, 28 Oct 2023 16:49:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MY PET PLANT 32 32 Top 10 Differences: Male vs Female Cats Sun, 20 Aug 2023 10:15:06 +0000 Top 10 Differences: Male vs Female Cats Read More ยป

Male vs Female Cats, share many similarities, but observing their distinctions can provide insights into their nature and care requirements. Let’s explore these differences in more detail.

#1 Cats Physical Appearance

Cat Size and Build

Male cats tend to be larger and heavier than their female counterparts. This size difference is more prominent in certain cat breeds. However, it’s important to note that individual variations can occur, and not all male cats are larger than females.

Cat Coat Length and Texture

Female cats typically have a more refined and petite appearance. Their coats are often sleeker and softer. In contrast, male cats might exhibit a rougher coat texture due to hormonal differences.

Cat Facial Features

Female cats generally have a more delicate and dainty facial structure, while male cats often sport a broader head and more prominent cheeks.

#2 Cat Behavioral Traits

Cat Territory Marking

Male cats have a tendency to mark their territory more prominently than females. This behaviour is linked to their instinctual need to establish dominance and attract potential mates.

Cat Social Interaction

Female cats are often more socially adept and tend to be more tolerant of other cats. They usually integrate into multi-cat households with greater ease.

Cat Aggression Tendencies

Male cats can sometimes display more aggressive behaviors, especially if they perceive a threat to their territory. This territorial aggression is less common in females.

#3 Cat Health Considerations

Cat Reproductive System

Female cats undergo heat cycles and can become pregnant if not spayed. Male cats, on the other hand, exhibit fewer reproductive health concerns.

Cat Urinary Health

Male cats are more prone to urinary tract issues, such as blockages, due to their narrower urethra. Female cats can also experience urinary problems, but the risk is higher in males.

Cat Neutering and Spaying

Neutering (male) and spaying (female) offer health benefits and help control behavior. Neutered males may exhibit reduced aggression, while spayed females are not subject to heat cycles.

#4 Cat Communication Styles

Cat Vocalizations

Female cats often use more varied and frequent vocalizations, especially during heat cycles. Male cats tend to be less vocal overall.

Cat Body Language

Female cats often use body language more subtly and effectively for social interactions. Males may rely more on scent marking and physical posturing.

#5 Cat Emotional Aspects

Cat Affection Levels

Both genders can be affectionate, but male cats are often more prone to seeking human attention and companionship.

Cat Independence

Female cats are generally more independent and can handle solitary periods better than males.

#6 Cat Grooming Habits

Cat Self-Grooming

Both genders are diligent self-groomers, but females may spend slightly more time on personal grooming.

Cats Mutual Grooming

Female cats engage more in mutual grooming, reinforcing social bonds within the group.

#7 Cat Play Patterns

Cat Toy Preferences

Males often prefer interactive Cat toys that mimic hunting behavior, while females might enjoy a wider variety of playthings.

Cats Hunting Behavior

Male cats might exhibit stronger hunting instincts, possibly due to their ancestral roles as providers.

#8 Cat Living Together

Male-Male Cat Interaction

Male cats living together might face territorial disputes. Proper introductions can help establish harmony.

Female-Female Cat Interaction

Female cats usually coexist more peacefully. However, occasional conflicts can arise over hierarchy.

Mixed-Gender Dynamics

A mix of male and female cats can create a balanced and harmonious environment if introduced thoughtfully.

#9 Cat Training and Learning

Cat Trainability

Male and female cats are equally trainable, but individual personalities play a larger role. ( Cat training kit )

Cat Cognitive Abilities

Both genders exhibit impressive problem-solving skills, showcasing their intelligence.

How to communicate with your cat >>

#10 Myths and Misconceptions

Calico Cats

Calico cats, with their distinct coat pattern, are almost always female due to genetic factors.

Black Cats

Black cats can be either gender, contrary to the belief that they are primarily male.

In the world of Male vs Female Cats, gender plays a role in shaping various characteristics, from physical appearance to behavior and health considerations. Recognizing and understanding these differences can enhance your relationship with your feline companion, enabling you to cater to their unique needs and quirks.

Pros and cons of male vs female cats

Pros of a male cat
1. Affectionate Companionship:Male cats are often known for their affectionate nature. They tend to be more attached to their human caregivers and enjoy cuddling and lap time.
2. Playful Demeanor:Male cats frequently exhibit a playful and energetic demeanor. They are more likely to engage in interactive games and enjoy active play sessions.
3. Territorial Behavior:Male cats are generally more territorial, which can be an advantage if you’re looking for a feline friend to help deter other animals from your property.
4. Lower Risk of Urinary Tract Issues:Neutering male cats can reduce the risk of urinary tract issues, which are more common in their female counterparts.
Cons of a male cat
Cons of Male Cats
1. Spraying:Unneutered male cats have a tendency to mark their territory by spraying urine. This behavior can be challenging to manage and may require early neutering.
2. Territorial Aggression:Male cats might display territorial aggression, which can lead to conflicts with other cats in the household.
3. Roaming Tendencies:Unneutered male cats are more likely to roam in search of a mate, which can expose them to risks such as accidents and fights.
Pros of Female Cats
1. Calmer Demeanor:Female cats typically exhibit less territorial behaviour, which can lead to fewer conflicts in multi-cat households.
2. Lower Risk of Spraying:Female cats are less likely to spray urine, making them a preferable choice for indoor environments.
3. Bonding with Family:Female cats tend to form strong bonds with the entire family, rather than becoming overly attached to one person.
4. Reduced Territorial Behavior:Female cats typically exhibit less territorial behavior, which can lead to fewer conflicts in multi-cat households.
Cons of Female Cats
1. Heat Cycles:Female cats go into heat cycles, which can be accompanied by yowling, restlessness, and a desire to escape outdoors. Spaying can alleviate this issue.
2. Urinary Tract Problems:Female cats are more prone to urinary tract infections and blockages, which can be a concern for their overall health.
3. Grooming Challenges:Long-haired female cats may require more grooming and maintenance to prevent matting and tangling of their fur.

In conclusion, choosing between a male and a female cat depends on your household’s dynamics, preferences, and the kind of companionship you seek. Male cats are known for their affection and playfulness, while female cats tend to be calmer and less territorial. It’s crucial to consider factors like neutering or spaying to address specific behaviors and health concerns. Regardless of your choice, both male and female cats can bring joy and companionship to your home.


  1. Do male cats have a stronger odour than females?
    • Male cats that are not neutered might have a stronger territorial odour, but proper hygiene practices can mitigate this.
  2. Are female cats more prone to certain health issues?
    • Female cats can be prone to urinary tract infections due to their anatomy, but regular veterinary care can help prevent such issues.
  3. Which gender is better for a multi-cat household?
    • Female cats often integrate more smoothly into multi-cat households due to their social nature.
  4. Do neutered male cats lose their playful behaviour?
    • Neutering might slightly reduce excessive aggression, but playful behaviours are largely influenced by the cat’s personality.
  5. Can gender determine a cat’s personality?
    • While gender can influence certain traits, individual personality varies greatly and is shaped by genetics and experiences.
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Zebra Finche Breeding: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners Thu, 11 May 2023 11:51:27 +0000 Zebra Finche Breeding: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners Read More ยป

Are you a beginner interested in Zebra Finches Breeding? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of zebra finch breeding, providing step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to ensure a successful breeding experience. From understanding zebra finches to creating the ideal breeding environment, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and make zebra finch breeding easy and enjoyable!


Breeding zebra finches can be an exciting and rewarding experience for bird enthusiasts. These small, colourful birds are known for their charming personalities and melodious songs. Whether you want to expand your flock or simply experience the joy of witnessing new life, understanding the basics of zebra finch breeding is essential.

Understanding Zebra Finches Breeding

Before embarking on your Zebra Finches Breeding journey, it’s important to familiarize yourself with these lovely birds. Zebra finches are native to Australia and are commonly found in the wild. They are social birds that thrive in pairs or small groups. The males are known for their distinctive orange cheeks and melodious songs, while the females have more subdued colours. nowadays many zebra finch mutations are available on the market.

Setting up the Zebra Finches Breeding Environment

Creating a suitable breeding environment is crucial for the successful reproduction of zebra finches. Start by providing a spacious cage or aviary that allows the birds to fly and move around comfortably. Ensure the cage has proper ventilation and is free from any potential hazards. Add natural perches and nesting boxes to mimic their natural habitat.

Selecting Healthy Zebra Finches

When it comes to Zebra Finches Breeding, selecting healthy birds is of utmost importance. Look for active and alert birds with shiny feathers and clear eyes. Avoid birds that show signs of illness or have deformities. It’s advisable to purchase birds from reputable breeders or pet stores to ensure their overall health and genetic quality.

Pairing Zebra Finches

Pairing male and female zebra finches is an essential step in the breeding process. Ideally, one male should be paired with one female. Introduce the birds gradually, allowing them to get acquainted with each other. Watch their behaviour closely, ensuring there is no aggression or excessive dominance. Zebra finches are generally monogamous and will form strong pair bonds.

Nesting and Zebra Finches Breeding Behavior

Zebra finches are known for their intricate nesting and breeding behaviours. Provide a suitable nesting box filled with nesting material such as dried grass or coconut fibre. The female will lay eggs in the nest, and both parents will take turns incubating them. The incubation period typically lasts around 13 to 16 days. Observe the birds’ behaviour and make sure they have a calm and undisturbed environment during this crucial period.

Providing the Right Diet

A balanced diet plays a vital role in successful Zebra Finches Breeding. Provide a high-quality seed mix specifically formulated for finches, along with fresh vegetables and fruits. Additionally, offer calcium-rich supplements such as cuttlebone or crushed egg

shells to support the female’s egg production. Fresh water should always be available. It’s important to ensure a varied and nutritious diet to promote optimal health and breeding success.

Ensuring Optimal Health and Care

Maintaining the health and well-being of your zebra finches is crucial throughout the breeding process. Regularly clean the cage or aviary to prevent the buildup of waste and bacteria. Monitor the birds for any signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or changes in droppings. Provide them with regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations to prevent the spread of diseases.

Monitoring the Zebra Finches Breeding Process

Once the female zebra finch has laid her eggs, it’s essential to monitor the breeding process closely. Avoid excessive disturbances to minimize stress. Observe the birds from a distance and look for signs of successful incubation, such as the parents taking turns sitting on the eggs. Keep an eye out for any potential issues, like abandoned eggs or aggression between the pair.

Hatching and Raising Chicks

Excitement fills the air as the eggs hatch and adorable chicks emerge. The parents will continue to care for the chicks by providing warmth, protection, and regurgitated food. It’s important to give them privacy and avoid unnecessary intervention during this critical stage. Ensure a constant supply of fresh food and water to support the growing chicks’ nutritional needs.

Dealing with Challenges and Troubleshooting

Zebra Finches Breeding may come with certain challenges and obstacles. Infertile eggs, egg binding, or aggression between the pair are some common issues that may arise. In such cases, it’s crucial to seek advice from experienced breeders or avian veterinarians. They can guide how to address these challenges and ensure the well-being of your zebra finches.

Zebra Finches Breeding Breeding Tips and Tricks

To enhance your Zebra Finches Breeding experience, consider these helpful tips and tricks:

  1. Provide ample natural light and maintain a consistent day-night cycle to stimulate Zebra Finches Breeding behaviour.
  2. Offer a variety of nesting materials to allow the birds to choose their preferred options.
  3. Introduce soft foods, such as soaked seeds or egg food, during the breeding season to supplement their diet.
  4. Avoid overcrowding the breeding environment to minimize stress and territorial conflicts.
  5. Join zebra finch breeder communities or forums to exchange knowledge and experiences with fellow enthusiasts.

Zebra Finches Breeding can be a rewarding journey filled with joy and wonder. By understanding their behaviours, providing a suitable environment, and ensuring proper care, you can increase the chances of successful breeding. Remember to be patient, observe the birds closely, and seek assistance when needed. Enjoy the process and the beauty of witnessing new life unfold before your eyes.


Q: How long does it take for zebra finch eggs to hatch?

A: The incubation period for zebra finch eggs is typically around 13 to 16 days.

Q: Can I breed zebra finches in a small cage?

A: While it’s possible to breed zebra finches in a small cage, it’s recommended to provide them with a spacious environment to promote their well-being and breeding success.

Q: How many eggs do zebra finches lay in a clutch?

A: Zebra finches usually lay around 4 to 6 eggs in a clutch, with each egg being laid approximately one day apart.

Q: Should I separate the male and female zebra finches after breeding?

A: Zebra finches generally maintain a monogamous bond and can be kept together even after breeding. However, it’s essential to provide sufficient space and monitor their behavior for any signs of aggression.

Q: How soon can zebra finches start breeding?

A: Zebra finches reach sexual maturity at around 3 to 4 months of age. However, it’s advisable to wait until they are at least 6 months old before allowing them to breed, as this allows them to fully develop physically and mentally.

Q: What should I do if the zebra finch parents abandon their eggs or chicks?

A: If the zebra finch parents abandon their eggs or chicks, you may need to step in and take over their care. Consult an experienced breeder or avian veterinarian for guidance on hand-feeding and raising the chicks.

Q: Can I breed different mutations of zebra finches together?

A: Yes, you can breed different mutations of zebra finches together to produce offspring with unique and varied colors. However, it’s important to understand the genetics behind different mutations and breed responsibly to avoid any negative health consequences.

Q: How often can zebra finches breed?

A: Zebra finches can breed throughout the year, but it’s recommended to provide them with rest periods between breeding cycles to ensure their overall health and well-being. Allowing them a few months of rest between breeding attempts is beneficial.

Q: Can I house multiple pairs of zebra finches in the same aviary?

A: Yes, you can house multiple pairs of zebra finches in the same aviary. However, it’s crucial to provide enough space and resources to minimize territorial conflicts and ensure the well-being of all birds.

Q: How long does it take for zebra finch chicks to fledge?

A: Zebra finch chicks usually fledge, or leave the nest, at around 3 to 4 weeks of age. After fledging, they will continue to receive care and guidance from their parents for several more weeks.

In conclusion, Zebra Finches Breeding can be a fascinating and enjoyable experience for beginners. By understanding their behaviour, providing a suitable breeding environment, and offering proper care and nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of successful breeding. Remember to be patient, observe the birds closely, and seek advice from experienced breeders or avian veterinarians when needed. Enjoy the beauty of witnessing new life as you embark on your zebra finch breeding journey.

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30+ Types of Conure Birds and Prices in 2023 Sat, 08 Apr 2023 12:21:46 +0000 30+ Types of Conure Birds and Prices in 2023 Read More ยป

Types of Conure Birds and Prices: Looking to add a new feathered friend to your family? Many pet owners choose conures because of their playful and affectionate personalities. How do you choose the right conure when so many types are available? What can you expect to pay for your new pet? Take a closer look at some of the most popular conure types and their prices:

Conure Birds and Prices

Conures are known for their vibrant colours, playful personalities, and intelligence. There are several types of Conures available in the market, each with its unique characteristics. Here are some of the most popular Conure types:

#1 Sunconure.

The Sunconure is a brightly coloured bird with shades of yellow, orange, and red. Sunconure is known for its energetic personality and love of attention. If you’re looking for a bird that will be a constant source of entertainment, the Sunconure is a great choice. Prices typically range from Rs. 35,000 to 45,000.

#2 Golden conure.

The Golden conure is a true gem of the avian world, boasting a stunning and vibrant coat of feathers that is sure to catch the eye of any onlooker. With its striking hues of yellow and flashes of green adorning its wings and tail, this rare bird is a true sight to behold.

But the Golden Conure is not just beautiful โ€“ it is also highly prized and sought after, which is reflected in its price. Due to its rarity, owning a Golden Conure can be quite an investment, with prices typically ranging from Rs. 2.5 lakh to 3 lahks.

#3 Dusky conure.

The Dusky conure is a quieter bird that’s perfect for those who want a pet that won’t make too much noise. Dusky conure has mostly brown bodies with touches of blue and green on their wings. Prices for Dusky conures usually range from Rs. 25,000 to 30,000.

#4 Crimson-bellied conure.

The Crimsonbelli conure is a beautiful bird with a mostly green body and a bright red belly. Crimsonbelli conure are known for their outgoing personalities and love of attention. Prices for Crimsonbelli conures usually range from Rs. 40,000 to 50,000.

#5 Halfmoon conure.

The Halfmoon conure is named for its crescent-shaped marking on its chest. Halfmoon conure has mostly green bodies with touches of blue and red on their wings. Halfmoon conures are known for being friendly and outgoing birds. Prices for Halfmoon conures usually range from Rs. 45,000 to 50,000.

#6 Black-capped conure.

The Black-capped conure is a striking bird with a mostly green body and a black cap on its head. Black-capped conure is known for being intelligent birds and can be trained to do a variety of tricks. Prices for Blackcapped conures usually range from Rs. 65,000 to 75,000.

#7 Jenday conure.

The Jenday conure is a smaller bird with a mostly green body and touches of yellow and orange on its wings. Jenday Conure is known for being an energetic and playful bird. Prices for Jenday conures usually range from Rs. 20,000 to 25,000.

#8 Blue-crowned conure.

The Blue-crowned conure is a colourful bird with a mostly green body and a bright blue crown on its head. Blue-crowned conure is known for being affectionate and outgoing birds. Prices for Blue-crowned conures usually range from Rs. 50,000 to 55,000.

#9 Peach-fronted conure.

The Peachfronted conure is a small bird with a mostly green body and touches of orange on its forehead. Peach-fronted conure are known for being friendly and playful birds. Prices for Peachfronted conures usually range from Rs. 35,000 to 40,000.

#10 Cherry head conure.

The Cherryhead conure is a brightly coloured bird with a mostly green body and a redhead. Cherry head conure is known for being playful and outgoing birds. Prices for Cherryhead conures usually range from Rs. 50,000 to 55,000.

#11 Nanday conure. 

This beautiful bird can cost you around Rs. 35,000 – 40,000. Nanday Conure is known for its striking black head and green body, also a great talker and can learn to mimic words and phrases.

#12 Greencheek conure.

The Greencheek conure is a popular choice for first-time bird owners. Green cheek conure is small and can cost you around Rs. 12,000 – 15,000. Green cheek conures come in different colours, including cinnamon, turquoise, and pineapple. also, great talkers and are known for their playful personalities.

#13 Bluecheek conure.

The Bluecheek conure is another popular choice for bird lovers. Bluecheek conure can cost you around Rs. 20,000 – 22,000. They have blue faces and green bodies, and Bluecheek Conure is known for its affectionate personality. They love to cuddle and make great pets.

#14 Maroontail conure.

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly conure, the Maroontail conure is a good choice. Maroontail conure can cost you around Rs. 10,000 – 12,000. They are small and have a green body with a maroon-coloured tail. Maroontail conures are known for their playful personalities and are great for families with children.

#15 Suncheek Conure.

Now, if you’re willing to splurge a little, the Suncheek Conure is worth considering. This stunning bird can cost you around Rs. 1 – 1.2 lakh! They are a rare mutation of the Green cheek conure and have a bright orange head and a yellow body. Suncheek Conure. are also great talkers and are known for their playful and affectionate personalities.

#16 Pineapple conure.

The Pineapple conure is another popular choice for bird lovers. Pineapple conure can cost you around Rs. 15,000 – 18,000. They have a green body with a yellow head and red feathers on their back. Pineapple conure is known for its playful personality and is great for families with children.

#17 Yellow-sided Greencheek conure.

The Yellow sided Greencheek conure is another budget-friendly option. Maroontail conure can cost you around Rs. 10,000 – 12,000. They have green bodies with yellow feathers on their sides. Yellow-sided Greencheek conures are known for their playful personalities and are great for families with children.

#18 Duskypinous conure.

If you’re looking for a rare and unique conure, the Duskypinous conure is worth considering. Duskypinous conure can cost you around Rs. 70,000 – 75,000. They have a brownish-grey body with a red tail and green wings. Duskypinous colours are known for their affectionate personalities and love to cuddle with their owners.

#19 Yellow-sided conure.

The Yellow sided conure is another affordable option. They can cost you around Rs. 12,000 – 15,000. Yellow-sided conure. have green bodies with yellow feathers on their sides and yellow heads. Yellow-sided conure. are known for their playful personalities and are great for families with children.

#20 Pearly conure.

Lastly, we have the Pearly conure, which can cost you around Rs. 30,000 – 35,000. Pearly conure has a green body with a pearly white head and neck. Pearly Conure is known for its affectionate personality and loves to cuddle with its owners.

#21 Patagonian conure.

These guys are on the lower end of the price spectrum, coming in at around Rs. 40,000 – 45,000. Don’t let the lower price fool you though, these birds are full of personality and make great companions.

#22 Painted conure.

If you’re looking for something a little more flashy, the painted conure might be the one for you. With their vibrant colours and striking patterns, Painted conure’s sure to turn heads. However, their price tag reflects their beauty, coming in at around Rs. 90,000 – 1 lakh.

#23 Rosy-crowned conure. 

For those who prefer a more subdued look, the rosy-crowned conure might be a better fit. Rosy-crowned conure has a beautiful pinkish-red crown but is otherwise mostly green. Rosy-crowned conure comes in at around Rs. 65,000 – 70,000.

#24 White-eared conure.

The white-eared conure is another great option for those who want a more subtle look. White-eared conure has a white patch of feathers behind their eyes that gives them their name. White-eared conure comes in at around Rs. 70,000 – 73,000.

#25 Blue-throated conure. 

If you’re looking for a bird with a unique feature, the blue-throated conure might be the one for you. As their name suggests, Blue-throated conure has a bright blue throat that pops against their green feathers. Blue-throated conure comes in at around Rs. 85,000 – 90,000.

#26 Mitred conure.

The mitred conure is another beautiful option. Mitred conure has a mix of green and blue feathers, with a little bit of red on their bellies. Mitred conure comes in at around Rs. 65,000 – 70,000.

#27 Golden-capped conure.

The golden-capped conure is a stunner. Golden-capped conure has bright yellow feathers on their heads that stand out. Golden-capped conure comes in at around Rs. 80,000 – 85,000.

#28 Fiery-shouldered conure.

The fiery-shouldered conure is another bird with a unique feature. Fiery-shouldered conure has bright red feathers on its shoulders that make them stand out. Fiery-shouldered conure comes in at around Rs. 75,000 – 80,000.

#29 Emma Conure.

The Emma Conure is a more affordable option, coming in at around Rs. 60,000 – 65,000. Emma Conure has a mix of green and blue feathers and is known for their playful personality.

#30 Red masked conure.

Last but not least, we have the red masked conure. Red masked conure is on the lower end of the price spectrum, coming in at around Rs. 40,000 – 50,000. Red masked conure has a red patch of feathers on their faces that gives them their name.

In conclusion, Keep in mind that these are just general price ranges and that actual prices may vary depending on where you live and where you buy your bird from. It’s also important to remember that the cost of the bird itself is just the beginning. You’ll also need to factor in the cost of a cage, food, toys, and vet visits. conures are a wonderful choice for anyone looking for a colourful and engaging pet. With so many different types to choose from, there’s sure to be one that fits your personality and budget. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and find your perfect feathered friend!

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Top 10 Reason: Why do love birds die suddenly? Thu, 16 Feb 2023 13:30:00 +0000 Top 10 Reason: Why do love birds die suddenly? Read More ยป

If you’re a bird owner, the sudden death of your pet can be devastating, especially if you don’t know why do love birds die suddenly. Lovebirds are popular pets known for their beauty and loving personalities. However, sometimes they can die suddenly without any apparent cause, leaving their owners wondering what went wrong.

Why do love birds die suddenly? 10 Vital Reasons

In this article, we will explore some of the most common reasons why lovebirds may die suddenly and what you can do to prevent it. So, if you’re asking yourself “why do love birds die suddenly?” keep reading to find out.

#1 Infection

Infections in pet birds can be caused by a variety of things. It could happen from bacterial growth in your bird’s water container because you haven’t replaced it for a while, or it could be an open wound or a scratch that got infected from dirt or anything else that might cause infections, like a rusty toy, for example.

#2 Egg binding.

Birds breeding time Egg binding is one of the most common reasons in case a female bird suddenly dies. Even if your bird does not have a partner, it could still become egg-bound. Egg binding simply means that your bird produced an egg and it got stuck inside her, and it makes her suffocate as a result of straining. In addition to other symptoms, you can tell your bird was egg-bound if her vent and abdomen were swollen before she died.

#3 Toxic Fumes.

Perfumes, deodorants, cleaning products, and even cooking with a non-stick pan could cause sudden death in birds. I personally lost a parakeet because of toxic fumes, and we should always avoid exposing our pet birds to potentially harmful toxins. Birds are extremely fragile when it comes to being poisoned.

#4 Heat Exposure

If you’ve left your bird inside a very hot room or in a spot with direct sunlight without any ventilation, that may be the cause of your bird dying. Although parrots are mainly exotic and are used to heat, they need ventilation, water, and a shady, cool spot to go to whenever they feel like it.

#5 Lack of Vitamins

If your bird used to live on a poor diet that doesn’t consist of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and mineral or calcium blocks, and it only ate seeds its entire life, that could have been the cause of its death. The lack of vitamins and minerals causes a poor immune system, which means your bird becomes more prone to diseases and illnesses.

#6 Lead Poisoning

Many owners that lose their pet birds to lead poisoning will never find out because the only way to figure that out is by getting a proper diagnosis from the vet. If your bird used to chew metal toys or lick the rusty cage bars it lives in, this could be the cause of its death.

#7 Stokeย 

Stroke is a common condition that happens as a result of nutritional deficiency. When a bird goes through a stroke, it will seem wobbly or clumsy with spread legs, head twisting, and one side of the body paralyzed. A bad diet is usually the cause of a stroke, specifically the lack of vitamins B and E.

#8 Old Age

Old age can kill your bird suddenly. Some birds live to extremely old ages, sometimes outliving their owners, but others only live for three to five years depending on the species. Old age often causes pet birds to die because their bodies and organs simply shut down.

#9 Genetic issues

Some breeds of birds may have genetic predispositions to certain health problems, such as respiratory issues or heart disease. it leads to Sudden death.

#10 Stressย 

Stress can weaken a bird’s immune system and make it more susceptible to illness. Common sources of stress for birds include changes in environment or routine, lack of socialization, and noisy or chaotic environments.

In conclusion, sudden death in love birds can be caused by various factors, including infections, egg binding, exposure to toxins, overheating, poor diet, lead poisoning, stroke, and old age. As a bird owner, it’s crucial to be aware of these potential causes and take necessary precautions to prevent them. By providing a healthy and safe environment for your love bird and monitoring its health closely, you can help ensure a long and happy life for your beloved feathered friend.

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Top 10 Most Beautiful Fancy Pigeon Breeds Thu, 05 Jan 2023 17:31:14 +0000 Top 10 Most Beautiful Fancy Pigeon Breeds Read More ยป

Pigeons are often considered to be common, unremarkable birds, but there are actually many fancy pigeon breeds that are bred specifically for their unique and beautiful appearances. From striking colour patterns to impressive feather crests and plumes, these breeds are true avian jewels. In this article, we will showcase the top 10 fancy pigeon breeds that are sure to impress even the most seasoned bird enthusiasts. So get ready to discover some of the most gorgeous fancy pigeon breeds in the world.

Fancy pigeon breeds list

Here are the Top 10 fancy pigeon breeds that are known for their unique appearances:

  1. Frillback pigeon
  2. Jacobin pigeon
  3. Fantail pigeon
  4. Archangel pigeon
  5. Lahore pigeon
  6. African Owl pigeon
  7. English Trumpeter pigeon
  8. Danish Flag pigeon
  9. Dutch King pigeon
  10. Indian Fantail pigeon

#1 Frillback pigeon

This breed has frilly feathers on its neck, giving it a distinctive appearance.

The Frillback pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon that is known for its distinctive frilled feathers that surround its head, neck, and chest. The breed is also characterized by its long, slender body and wings, and it is often shown in pigeon shows. Frillback pigeons are believed to have originated in Germany, and they are popular among pigeon fanciers around the world. In addition to their frilled feathers, Frillback pigeons may also have feathered feet, and they come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, and red. Frillback pigeons are known for their calm, gentle disposition, and they make good pets for people who are interested in keeping fancy pigeons.

#2 Jacobin pigeon

This breed has a hood of feathers on its head and a long, flowing tail.

The Jacobin pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon known for its distinctive hood of feathers that cover its head and neck. The breed is characterized by its long, slender body and wings, and it is often shown in pigeon shows. Jacobin pigeons are believed to have originated in India, and they are popular among pigeon fanciers around the world. In addition to their hooded feathers, Jacobin pigeons may also have feathered feet, and they come in a variety of colors, including white, black, blue, and red. Jacobin pigeons are known for their calm, gentle disposition, and they make good pets for people who are interested in keeping fancy pigeons.

#3 Fantail pigeon

This breed has a fan-shaped tail with many feathers.

Fantail pigeons are a type of domesticated pigeon that are known for their distinctive fan-shaped tail. These birds are believed to have originated in the Middle East or India and have been kept by people for centuries for their beauty and as a source of food. Fantail pigeons are usually small to medium in size and have a round, compact body. They come in a variety of colours, including white, black, red, and blue, and some varieties have patterns or markings on their feathers. Fantail pigeons are known for their friendly and sociable nature and are often kept as pets. They are also used in exhibitions and shows, where they are judged on the size and shape of their tail and other physical characteristics.

#4 Archangel pigeon

This breed has a halo of feathers around its head and a long, flowing tail.

The Archangel pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon that is known for its distinctive appearance, with a long, narrow body and wings and a long, flowing tail. It is a popular breed among pigeon fanciers and is often shown in exhibitions. The breed is believed to have originated in the Middle East, and it is thought to have been developed through selective breeding to produce the long, slender body and wings that are characteristic of the breed. Archangel pigeons are typically white or light-coloured and prized for their graceful appearance and gentle disposition.

#5 Lahore pigeon

This breed has a large, puffed-out chest and a crest of feathers on its head.

The Lahore pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. It is a medium-sized pigeon with a round, full body and a small head. The Lahore pigeon is known for its striking colours and patterns, which may include white, black, blue, red, and yellow. It is a popular show pigeon in many parts of the world, particularly in South Asia and the Middle East. In addition to being exhibited at pigeon shows, Lahore pigeons are also kept as pets and bred for their beauty.

#6 African Owl pigeon

This breed has a small, round head and a puffed-out chest.

The African Owl pigeon (Columba guinea) is a species of pigeon that is native to West Africa. It is a medium-sized pigeon with a length of around 25 cm and a wingspan of around 40 cm. The African Owl pigeon has distinctive feathering around its head and neck that gives it a “feathered owl” appearance. It is mainly grey in colour, with a white belly and black-and-white markings on its wings. The African Owl pigeon is found in a variety of habitats, including forests, savannas, and agricultural areas. It feeds on a variety of seeds, grains, and fruits, and it is known for its distinctive hooting call.

#7 English Trumpeter pigeon

This breed has a large, puffed-out chest and a short, curved beak.

The English Trumpeter pigeon is a breed of domesticated pigeon that is known for its unique vocalizations. It is a large pigeon with a round body and a short, fan-shaped tail. The breed was developed in England in the 19th century and is known for its ability to make a loud, trumpet-like sound, hence its name. English Trumpeter pigeons are typically white in colour with a few red or blue feathers on the wings and tail. They are often kept as pets or shown in pigeon shows. They are generally calm and docile birds that are easy to handle.

#8 Danish Flag pigeon

This breed has a distinctive pattern of black, white, and red feathers on its wings and tail.

The Danish Flag pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. The breed is known for its distinctive color pattern, which is a combination of white, black, and red. The breed is popular in Denmark and is often exhibited at pigeon shows. The Danish Flag pigeon is prized for its beauty and is considered a symbol of national pride in Denmark. It is a popular choice for pigeon enthusiasts and breeders around the world.

#9 Dutch King pigeon

This breed has a large crest of feathers on its head and a long, flowing tail.

The Dutch King pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. It is known for its elegant, regal appearance and is often exhibited at pigeon shows. The breed has a large, round body with a short neck and broad, rounded wings. It has a long, slender tail and a large, smooth head with a small, round comb on top. The Dutch King pigeon is typically blue-gray in color with black wing tips and a white rump. It is a good flyer and is prized for its striking appearance.

#10 Indian Fantail pigeon

This breed has a fan-shaped tail with many feathers and a large, puffed-out chest.

Indian Fantail is a breed of domestic pigeon known for its distinctive fan-shaped tail. It is a small to medium-sized pigeon with a compact, rounded body and a short, broad beak. The breed is native to India, where it has been kept for centuries as a pet and for exhibition. Indian Fantails are known for their elegant appearance and graceful movements, and they are popular among pigeon fanciers around the world. They are also known for their ability to perform aerial acrobatics, such as loops and rolls. Indian Fantails come in a variety of colours, including white, blue, black, and red, and they have a lifespan of about 5-10 years.


In conclusion, fancy pigeon breeds are a diverse and fascinating group of birds. From the elegant Jacobin to the striking Lahore, there is a breed to suit every pigeon enthusiast. These breeds are not only beautiful to look at, but they also have a rich history and cultural significance. Whether you are a seasoned breeder or a beginner, there is a fancy pigeon breed that is sure to capture your heart. So, these were the top 10 fancy pigeon breeds that stand out for their unique features and characteristics.

There are many sources that you can use to find “Fancy Pigeon Breeds.” Here are a few ideas:

The Pigeon Association: This organization is a great resource for information on fancy pigeon breeds. They have a list of recognized breeds on their website and can provide more information on the characteristics and history of each breed.

Pigeon clubs and forums: There are many pigeon clubs and forums online where pigeon enthusiasts discuss fancy pigeon breeds and share photos and information. You can find a list of clubs in your area by searching online or contacting the American Pigeon Association.

Books on fancy pigeon breeds: There are many books available on fancy pigeon breeds that can provide information on the characteristics and history of different breeds.

Pigeon shows: Attending a pigeon show is a great way to see fancy pigeon breeds in person and learn more about them from the breeders and judges. You can find a list of upcoming shows by searching online or contacting the American Pigeon Association.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comment. If you are an animal & Nature lover, you are in the right place. Join MY PET PLANT Family

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Top 10 Best Cat Breeds for First Time Owners Mon, 26 Dec 2022 13:37:02 +0000 Top 10 Best Cat Breeds for First Time Owners Read More ยป

Are you thinking about getting a cat for the first time? Congratulations! Owning a cat can be a rewarding experience. However, it’s important to choose a breed that will fit your lifestyle and personality. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the best cat breeds for first-time owners. From affectionate and easygoing to playful and energetic, these breeds are sure to bring joy and companionship to your home.

ย Best Cat Breeds for First Time Owners!ย 

In this list, we’ll be highlighting some of the most beginner-friendly cat breeds that make great companions for first-time cat owners. 

#1 Domestic shorthair Cat: 

These cats are generally low maintenance and easy to care for. They are also very adaptable and can thrive in a variety of living environments.ย this is one of the best cat breeds for first time owners.

A domestic shorthair (also known as a DSH or domestic short hair) is a type of domestic cat that has a short coat. Domestic shorthairs are not a specific breed of cat, but rather a category that includes any cat that does not belong to a recognized breed and has a short coat. Domestic shorthairs are often mixed-breed cats and can come in a wide range of colours and patterns. They are known for being adaptable, friendly, and low-maintenance pets. Domestic shorthairs are popular choices for families and individuals looking for a companion animal. If you are considering adopting a domestic shorthair, be sure to research the specific needs and characteristics of this type of cat to ensure that it is the right fit for your household.

#2 Siamese Cat: 

Siamese cats are known for their intelligence and social nature, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a companionable pet.

Siamese cats are a breed of domestic cats that are known for their distinctive appearance, which includes a slender, elongated body, pale coat, and dark points on their face, ears, paws, and tail. They are intelligent and active cats that are often very social and can be quite vocal. Siamese cats are believed to have originated in Thailand (formerly known as Siam) and have a history that dates back several centuries. They are a popular breed of cat and are known for their affectionate and outgoing personalities.

#3 Persian Cat: 

Persians are known for their calm and gentle disposition, making them a good choice for families with young children or for people who live in small spaces.

A Persian cat is a breed of domestic cat that is known for its long, thick coat and round face. These cats are known for their calm and docile personality, and they are often kept as indoor pets. Persian cats have a medium to large size, with males weighing around 12-16 pounds and females weighing around 8-12 pounds. They are generally considered to be a good choice for families with children and other pets, as they are generally very patient and good-natured. Persian cats are also known for their grooming needs, as their long coat requires regular grooming to keep them healthy and free of tangles. If you are considering adopting a Persian cat, it is important to be prepared to devote time to their grooming needs, as well as to provide them with a calm and stable environment.

#4 Maine Coon Cat: 

These cats are known for their large size and friendly personality, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a more laid-back pet.

Maine Coon cats are a popular breed of domestic cat known for their large size, long coats, and friendly personalities. They are native to the state of Maine in the United States, where they were originally bred to be farm cats. Maine Coon cats are known for their intelligence and affectionate nature, and they are often described as being “dog-like” in their loyalty and playfulness. They are also known for their strong hunting instincts and their ability to get along well with children and other pets. Maine Coon cats have a lifespan of about 10-13 years on average. They require regular grooming to maintain their long coats, and they are generally healthy and hardy cats.

#5 Russian Blue Cat: 

These cats are known for their intelligence and independent nature, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a cat that is low maintenance but still affectionate.

The Russian Blue is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive blue-grey coat and green eyes. They are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate nature. Russian Blues are generally quiet and gentle cats, and they are known to be good with children and other pets. They are also known for their grooming habits and their sleek, shiny coats. Russian Blues are generally healthy cats, but they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and dental problems. If you are considering adopting a Russian Blue, be sure to research the specific needs and characteristics of this breed to ensure that it is the right fit for your household.

#6 Sphynx Cat: 

These cats are known for their friendly and social personality, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a companionable pet.

The Sphynx is a breed of cat known for its unique appearance and lack of a coat. These cats are known for their wrinkled skin, large ears, and athletic build. They are affectionate, curious, and energetic, and are often described as being “naked” due to their lack of fur. While they may appear hairless, Sphynx cats have a fine, downy layer of hair on their skin. They can come in a variety of colours, including black, white, red, and cream.

Sphynx cats are prone to certain health problems due to their lack of a coat, including susceptibility to sunburn and skin irritation. They may require regular bathing to keep their skin clean and moisturized, and they may also need protection from extreme temperatures. Despite these additional care requirements, many people find that the unique appearance and affectionate nature of Sphynx cats make them worth the extra effort.

#7 Bengal Cat: 

These cats are known for their high energy and playful personality, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a more active pet.

The Bengal cat is a domesticated cat breed that was developed by breeding domestic cats with Asian Leopard Cats. Bengal cats are known for their distinctive physical appearance, which includes a short, dense coat with a unique spotted or marbled pattern. They are also known for their energetic and playful personalities and their intelligence.

Bengal cats are generally healthy and can live up to 15 years or more with proper care. They require regular grooming to maintain their thick coat and may require a higher-quality diet due to their active lifestyles. They are also known to be vocal and may be more demanding of attention and playtime than some other cat breeds.

If you’re considering adding a Bengal cat to your family, it’s important to do your research and make sure that this breed is the right fit for you and your lifestyle. As with any pet, it’s important to provide them with proper care, including a healthy diet, regular vet visits, and plenty of mental and physical stimulation.

#8 Abyssinian Cat: 

These cats are known for their intelligence and active nature, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a more energetic pet.

The Abyssinian is a breed of domestic cat that is characterized by its distinctive coat, which is typically a ticked or agouti pattern. The breed is named after the ancient region of Abyssinia (now modern-day Ethiopia), where it is thought to have originated. Abyssinians are known for their intelligence, playful personality, and affectionate nature. They are active and energetic cats that enjoy playing and exploring their environment. They are also known for their vocal nature and can be quite chatty at times. Abyssinians are generally good with children and other pets and make excellent companions. They are a medium-sized breed and typically weigh between 7 and 12 pounds. They have a short, fine coat that requires minimal grooming and are considered a low-maintenance breed.

#9 Scottish Fold Cat

These cats are known for their calm and gentle personality, making them a best cat breeds for first time owners who want a more laid-back pet.

Scottish Fold cats are a breed of domestic cat known for their distinctive folded ears, which give them a unique, owl-like appearance. They are medium-sized cats with round heads, short nose, and large, round eyes. They are known for their calm and affectionate personalities and are generally good with children and other pets.

Scottish Folds can come in a variety of colours, including white, black, red, cream, and blue. They have short, dense coat that requires regular grooming to keep them looking their best. They are generally healthy cats, but they can be prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and genetic deafness.

Scottish Folds are a popular breed of cat, and they make great pets for families and individuals who are looking for a friendly and affectionate companion. They are generally easy to care for and adapt well to a variety of living environments.

#10 American Shorthair cat: 

These cats are known for their easygoing and adaptable personality, making them best cat breeds for first time owners who want a low-maintenance pet.

The American Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that originated in the United States. It is a medium to large breed with a sturdy, muscular body and a short, thick coat. The breed is known for its friendly, easy-going personality and its adaptability to different living environments. American Shorthairs are intelligent and affectionate cats that make great companions. They are also generally low maintenance and require minimal grooming. American Shorthairs are good with children and can get along well with other pets. They are a popular choice for families and individuals looking for a laid-back and loving feline companion.


It’s important to keep in mind that every cat is different, and a breed that may be good for one person may not be suitable for another. The best way to find the right cat for you is to spend some time researching different breeds and then visit a local animal shelter or rescue organization to meet and interact with some cats in person. choose a breed that fits your lifestyle and living environment.

Here are a few sources that you could use to verify the best cat breeds for first time owners:

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): The ASPCA is a well-respected animal welfare organization that offers information on a variety of cat breeds and their characteristics. You can visit their website to learn more about the best cat breeds for first time owners.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA): The CFA is a leading registry of purebred cats and one of the oldest and largest cat organizations in the world. You can visit their website to view their list of recognized breeds and learn more about their unique characteristics.

The International Cat Association (TICA): TICA is a global organization that recognizes and registers cats of all breeds. You can visit their website to view their list of recognized breeds and learn more about their characteristics.

The Fรฉdรฉration Internationale Fรฉline (FIFe): FIFe is an international federation of cat clubs that promote feline breeding and cat shows. You can visit their website to view their list of recognized breeds and learn more about their characteristics.

Your local animal shelter or rescue group: Animal shelters and rescue groups often have experience with a variety of cat breeds and can provide valuable insights on the best breeds for first time owners. You can contact your local shelter or rescue group to learn more about their recommendations.

In conclusion, owning a cat can be a delightful and rewarding experience for first-time owners. There are many breeds to choose from, each with its unique personality and characteristics. 

The top 10 best cat breeds for first time owners, as discussed in this article, include Domestic short-haired cats, Siamese cats, Persian cats, Maine Coon cats, Russian Blue cats, Sphynx cats, Bengal cats, Abyssinian cats, Scottish Fold cats and American Shorthair cat, These breeds are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, easygoing personalities, and adaptability to new environments.ย 

Whether you are looking for a cuddly companion or an energetic playmate, there is a breed on this list that will suit your needs. So, if you’re ready to welcome a furry friend into your home, consider one of these top 10 best cat breeds for first time owners.

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Top 10 Biggest Dog Breeds in the World Fri, 30 Sep 2022 15:59:41 +0000 Top 10 Biggest Dog Breeds in the World Read More ยป

Meet the top 10 biggest dog breeds in the world. Despite their large size, they are not dangerous and you can keep these biggest dogs as good pets. Dogs come in all sizes, shapes, and colours and they’re humans’ best friends. Over centuries, various dog breeds across the globe have been trained by humans to play important roles, from hunter to guardian, from herder to companion. The size of these Dog breeds has been crucial, whether it was to hunt bigger game or guard a home with Greater authority or even survive in freezing climates. But which are the biggest dog breeds in the world? Let’s find out.

Biggest Dog Breeds

Today we’re counting down the top 10 biggest dog breeds in the world. If you thought Great Danes were the tallest dogs, then be sure to stick around for number one because this lesser-known breed is even taller.

  1. Irish Wolfhound
  2. Great Dane
  3. Caucasian Shepherd 
  4. Scottish Deerhound
  5. Neapolitan Mastiff
  6. English Mastiff
  7. Leonberger
  8.  Saint Bernard
  9. Newfoundland
  10. French Mastiff

#10: French Mastiff Dog Breeds

You may recognise this iconic mug as the Dog de Bordeaux, more commonly known as the French mastiff. They also go by several other names, such as the Bordeaux mastiff and Bardot dog. No matter what you choose to call them, this breed stands a massive 27 inches tall and weighs up to 150 pounds. And although other French breeds like the poodle, the basset hound, and the French bulldog are the more famous French breeds, the mastiff is one of the most ancient breeds in the country, although its face may look intimidating. This powerful dog is amazingly loyal and affectionate. Back in the day, they were a jack of all trades, used for anything from guarding the house to watching over flocks and even pulling carts. Nowadays, they’re still very active outdoors but make for a gentle and mellow family companion when indoors.

#9: Newfoundland Dog Breeds

The Newfoundland is a big-boned, muscular working dog that’s also a powerful swimmer and a Great water rescue dog. Unlike several Biggest Dog Breeds, Newfoundland wasn’t bred to become a guard dog. Instead, their original purpose was to help fishermen haul nets and lines from boats, pull carts, and most importantly, fetch anything that falls overboard, including people. Yup, that’s how big and muscular these guys are. There have been many rescues of people out at sea credited to these big owner-orientated dogs. They may not look it, but fallen stand between 27 to 30 inches tall, which is about as tall as the average Great Dane. They also weigh an incredible 150 pounds, which is about as much as the average human, and they look even bigger because of their thick double coat, which keeps them warm even in icy water.

#8: Saint Bernard Dog Breeds

If you can’t get your hands on a Newfoundland, then Saint Bernards are yet another breed of the big, fluffy, easy-going companion to look out for. They were created in the Swiss alps and northern Italy as rescue dogs. Saint Bernard is a massive, friendly, ever-drooling affection machine that stands up to 35 inches in height. It is also one of the biggest dog breeds in the world, averaging about 200 pounds. Some of these guys have even been known to reach a weight of up to 260 pounds. The monks of the Saint Bernard Hospice are the ones credited with training dogs for rescue and with playing a role in developing the breed as we know it. However, today’s Saint Bernards are mostly family dogs, and they’re most famous for being gentle, loving, friendly dogs that are Great with families and children. They’re Great with kittens too.

#7: Leonberger Dog Breeds

If you thought the massive lien burger looked like a cross between a Newfoundland and a Saint Bernard, that’s because it is. In the mid-1840s, Heinrich Essig of Leonberger, Germany, crossed a new Fallon with a saint bernard for four generations, then added a perennial mountain dog into the mix, finally resulting in what’s known as the Leonberger. Similar to their forefathers, these guys can weigh as much as 200 pounds and stand an incredible 31 inches tall. Although they were bred as companion animals like Saint Bernard and the Newfoundland. Leonberger, they do very well in everything from water rescue to tracking to herding. If there is an activity that requires both strength and intelligence, the leone burger is likely to excel at it. But really, there’s just one giant family dog breed.

#6: English Mastiff Dog Breeds

An English Mastiff can weigh in at as much as 250 pounds. It is considered one of the Biggest Dog Breeds in the world. As you know, a Great Dane holds the record for being the tallest dog, but an English mastiff holds the record for being the heaviest. The biggest weight ever recorded for a dog was an English mastiff named Akama Zorba, who weighed in at an incredible 343 pounds. About twice as much as the average human. Hand in hand with their size also comes bravery, which is a significant part of the breed’s past purpose. In the past, English mastiffs participated in all kinds of blood sports, such as baiting bears, bulls, and even lions. Nowadays, their courage and fearlessness sit on the back burner while their more gentle, even-tempered, loyal sides come forward in their roles as family dogs. So if your kids are asking for a gentle dog and you’re looking for someone big enough to scare off intruders, this breed should be your first choice.

#5: Neapolitan Mastiff Dog Breeds

This breed comes in several colours, including black, blue, mahogany, and tawny. by now you’ll probably have noticed that mastiff breeds are some of the largest in terms of sheer mass, used mostly as guard dogs. The average male Neapolitan mastiff stands around 30 inches tall and can weigh up to a hefty 155 pounds, while females are usually a little smaller, standing a few inches shorter and weighing 110 to 130 pounds The Neapolitan mastiff originated in southern Italy and is known for being fearlessly protective of their home and family, making it an ideal guard dog but not quite the best warning system. you see, As a result, Neapolitan mastiffs are more known for quietly sneaking up on intruders rather than barking to warn them off. If you certainly don’t want to stand between a Neapolitan mastiff and its family, and if you’re thinking of owning one, you’ll need to put some serious training time into your dog’s socialization.

#4: Scottish Deerhound Dog Breeds

Going back to the less bulky, more leggy breeds, the Scottish deerhound gives away its whole purpose and origin with its name. Originating in Scotland, these guys were once used to hunt red deer and could easily chase down their prey with those long legs. deerhounds will stand up to 32 inches tall and weigh as much as 110 pounds, and although they’re not doing any deer hunting today, some enthusiasts still use them for show and, in some places, lore coursing, a dog sport that involves chasing a mechanically operated lore. with a lanky body meant for speed These guys are built similar to greyhounds, who didn’t make today’s list because the deerhound is far larger and heavier than its less hairy counterpart.

#3: Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breeds

Traditionally used for herding livestock, the Caucasian shepherd is a gorgeous eastern European breed that’s best reserved for experienced dog owners who excel in obedience and socialization. With Great size comes great responsibility, and with an average height of 30 inches and a massive weight of up to 220 pounds, the Caucasian shepherd is surely no easy walk in the park, literally and not just due to their size but also because this breed can have difficulty getting along with other dogs and get aggressive if threatened. But if you think you have what it takes to train and care for one of these beauties to become well socialized, you’ll have a dog that can keep you warm and safe at night.

#2: Great Dane Dog Breeds

Though they aren’t the Biggest Dog Breeds, The Great Dane is one of the tallest dogs, often standing at 28 to 30 inches, but they can be even taller. the world record holder for tallest dog was a late great Dane called Zeus who stood an incredible 44 inches tall. Unfortunately, Great Danes trade longevity for their size and live only to be between 6 to 8 years old, which is peanuts compared to most breeds who live anywhere from 10 to 15 years. The Great Zeus died of old age at just five years old. The Great Dane is also known as the German mastiff, but before setting down its official roots in Germany, the dog that eventually became known as the Great Dane breed came from a crossbreed between English mastiffs and Irish wolfhounds. Although it’s typically considered the Biggest Dog Breeds in the World, you’re about to meet a few other breeds that give the Great Dane a serious run for its money. If you stick around until number one, you’ll meet a lesser-known breed that is even taller.

#1: Irish Wolfhound Dog Breeds

At the top of our list is a dog taller than most Great Danes. The tallest dog in the world is a Great Dane, with a height of 35 inches. The Irish wolfhound can often keep up with the average Great Dane and grow to be much bigger. Yes, the Irish wolfhound is capable of growing to be as tall as a donkey. These brave dogs originated in Ireland, and contrary to popular belief, they were not cross-bred with wolves. They were used for wolf hunting. Before that, they were used in war to drag men off horses and chariots, and although they may sound fierce, the breed has long since left those jobs. In the past, people adapted perfectly well to family life if properly socialized.

That’s it for the top 10 biggest dog breeds in the world. Which one of these would you want to keep as a pet? Let us know in the comments below. If you found this information interesting, you’re going to love our top 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world.

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Top 10 Most Beautiful Betta Fish in the World. Sat, 23 Jul 2022 14:21:13 +0000 Top 10 Most Beautiful Betta Fish in the World. Read More ยป

Betta fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish species among pet enthusiasts. Before you put one in your home aquarium, you may want to know the top 10 most beautiful Betta fish in the world.

The sea is full of beautiful creatures. it has crabs, eels, octopuses and all other kinds of gorgeous aquatic animals in it. but among these fish are considered some of the most beautiful and colourful. betta fish are beautiful and also known as Siamese fighting fish. because the males are aggressive and will attack each other if kept in the same betta fish tank. In 2019 Thailand’s Council of Ministers named the betta fish Thailand’s national aquatic animal.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Betta Fish

Here’s our list of 10 of the most beautiful betta fish in the world.ย 

  1. Marble Betta Fish.
  2. Multicoloured Half Moon Betta Fish.
  3. White Crowntailed Betta.
  4. Comb tail Betta Fish.
  5. Double-tailed Betta Fish.
  6. Veil tail Betta Fish.
  7. Crowntail Betta Fish.
  8. Black Crowntail Betta Fish.
  9. Red Rose tail Betta Fish.
  10. Royal Blue Halfmoon Betta Fish.

#10 Royal Blue Halfmoon Betta Fish.

it is one of the most beautiful betta fish species in the world. as the name suggests it has a tail pattern like a Halfmoon which is one of the main reasons for its unmatched beauty. it has bright jewel colours and beautiful fins as well. it is about 1.4 to 2.2 inches in length and is a medium-sized betta fish. due to its low care requirements, it is a favourite pet fish.

#9 Red Rose tail Betta Fish. 

The red rose tail grabs the number 9 spot on our list. this amazingly beautiful fish is similar in shape and pattern to the blue Halfmoon. since it is slightly different from that fish type. however, the bright red pigmentation and the white stripes make it look even more beautiful and attractive. it is around 1.5 to 2.3 inches in length and is found in Thailand. due to its eye-catching beauty, it has been exported all around the world to be shown in aquariums. 

#8 Black Crowntail Betta Fish.

the black crown tail betta another beautiful specimen of nature is the black orchid crown tail betta fish. it has a gorgeous shining dark pigmentation with hints of blue and purple colour on the surface of the body in some places. naturally living in rice paddies and small puddles requires a very small amount of water. as the name suggests it has a beautiful crown-like black-coloured tail which is the real reason for its unmatched beauty.

#7 Crowntail Betta Fish.

The crown tail bata is found in Thailand and some other Southeast Asian countries. the crown tail bata is one of the most famous and beautiful betta fish species in the world. these are freshwater fish and are found mostly in places where there is a lot of vegetation. they can range from 2.5 to 3 inches in length and are one of the medium-sized betta species. it can live up to five years in its natural habitat and even longer if it is cared for in an aquarium. it mostly feeds on the insects that are available in the rice paddies such as flies, grasshoppers and crickets.

#6 Veil tail Betta Fish.

One of the most popular ornamental aquarium betta fish is the veil tail betta fish. is found in Thailand and nearby countries and it’s exported by these countries all over the world. its average size is about 1.75 to 2.5 inches and is one of the smaller species of betta fish. it has a distinctive long asymmetrical caudal fin. it is very easy to breed and is definitely one of the most beautiful betta fish in the world.

#5 Double-tailed Betta Fish 

As the name speaks for itself the double-tailed Betta Fish is one of the most unusual but beautiful fish in the world. the double tail beta has two tails which are separate at the base. it is available in a variety of colours and can be around 1.3 to 2.2 inches in length. it takes years for a double tail beta to achieve its long and beautiful tail. its diet should consist of quality flake or pelleted Betta Fish food and shrimp.

#4 Comb tail Betta Fish. 

Perhaps one of the most confusing Betta Fish species is the comb tail Betta Fish. it is also referred to as the half-son Betta Fish and has a pointy tail. however, some think the combs actually look brown which makes some people think that they are actually the crown tail Betta Fish. it is around 3 inches in length and has an average lifespan of 2 to 3 years. it is carnivorous in nature with an aggressive temperament.

#3 White Crowntailed Betta.

Just like the other crown tail betta the white crown tail beta is also a freshwater fish and is found in the rice paddies in Thailand. it is around 2 to 3 inches in length and has a white-coloured body. its signature tail is white in colour and is what distinguishes it from the rest of the species. this type of fish has a special labyrinth organ through which they can even breathe on the surface. they feed on insects naturally and love flies as their food.

#2 Multicoloured Half Moon Betta Fish.

Just as the name implies the multicoloured half moon beta has a half moon at its tail and has a multicoloured pigmentation. it is a Southeast Asian fish and is very popular in the pet industry and aquariums all around the world. unlike other betas, it is not a monotone fish but rather has different colour combinations. these colour combinations may include white, red, orange, blue, silver etc. it is around three inches in length. it is also carnivorous and is considered to be a very beautiful fish.

Before we reveal number one be sure to check out MY PET PLANT‘s other amazing Pet videos on YoutubeInstagram, and Facebook pages. give us a like and also tell us in the comments your valuable feedback

#1 Marble Betta Fish.

The number one spot on our list goes to the marble betta fish. this beautiful little fish is around 2.2 to 3 inches in length and has a multicoloured body with beautiful spots and patterns all over. it even changes its colours and patterns over time. most marble betta fish have two colour patterns but some can even have three. with its beautiful and unique changing skin colours and patterns it is definitely the most beautiful betta fish in the world.

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Betta Fish Breeding: Step By Step Guide Sat, 09 Jul 2022 16:36:31 +0000 Betta Fish Breeding: Step By Step Guide Read More ยป

Today we are going to See how to breed betta fish from the start until they lay eggs and we will Discuss 6 Betta fish breeding tips also. Betta fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish in the world due to its beauty and sturdiness. Being able to breed this magnificent fish is very rewarding! Now let’s get started with our 6 Betta fish breeding tips list. 

Betta Fish Breeding Tips

Now let’s get started with our 6 Betta fish breeding tips list. 

  • Deep Betta fish breeding tank.ย 
  • Betta fish breeding water condition.
  • Kill Bad bacteria in Betta fish breeding water tank.ย 
  • Use of a plastic floater in Betta fish breeding tank.ย 
  • Feed with live foods in Betta fish breeding time.
  • Cover Betta fish breeding tank.

#1 Deep Betta fish breeding tank 

A deep breeding tank enables the male to get a firm grip on the female when they embrace during mating. 

Why? Because it’s deep enough, his fins have enough space to move around. If the Betta fish breeding tank is too small, I’m not saying that it won’t succeed but you are looking into a lower success rate. One of the most important things to consider in breeding bettas is water condition. And that brings us to our next tip.

#2 Betta fish breeding water condition 

Bettas are very sensitive to the water condition. They can die if you have poor water quality. And this is also the case in breeding, you must have superb water quality. 

How? Use aged water of 5 days old or longer. We are not just preparing for the breeding, but also preparing for the fries. That brings us to our next tip.

#3 Kill Bad bacteria in Betta fish breeding water tank 

Bad bacteria can kill the fries so we need clean and aged water without bacteria. This is where these Indian almond tree leaves come in. Known for its anti-fungal properties, it will secure the survival of the fries Time for the male to make a nest and we want it fast. Let’s help him build fast with our next tip. 

#4 Use of a plastic floater in Betta fish breeding tank 

This plastic floater can be any type of cellophane. It could be styrofoam or foam as long as it floats. The male betta will build the nest underneath the floater knowing that it’s the most secure place in the tank for his fries to come. 

#5 Feed with live foods in Betta fish breeding time.

During breeding, the male will not eat for 7 days attending to the fries. The female will release plenty of eggs. So we need to feed them nutritious Betta fish food before the actual breeding. In this case, we feed them mosquito larvae, one of their favourites. time to start the actual breeding and that brings us to our next list. 

#6 Cover Betta fish breeding tank

We need to cover the breeding tank. They will be very defensive during breeding. So covering the tank with a lid can help them feel at ease which will result in a higher success rate. 

Don’t go yet. Watch this actual breeding highlight. 

Betta Fish Breeding Steps

Step 1

First, we prepared water and waited 5 days before using it in our tank. 

Step 2

next, we need to add Indian almond tree leaves and left it for 24 hours 

Step 3

We introduce the male and female betta by placing their betta fish aquariums side by side, this part can take from a day up to a week. The introduction is very important since this is the part where the female will prepare her eggs for release and the male will start to build his nest. After the introduction,  

Step 4

we add the male first into the tank so he will own it. Leave him there for 30 minutes. And then we help him build his nest fast by adding some floaters. 

Step 5

Now, it’s time to add the female. The male will start to chase the female until she will agree to mate. And then they start the actual breeding, they entwined their bodies and eggs fall from the female. While the female is floating, the male will start to fetch the eggs and put them in the nest. 

Step 6

They will do this several times until the female no longer wants to entwine. This is our go signal to remove her from the breeding tank. The male will attend to the eggs until they hatch after 3 days. 

Which tip do you think is the most important? Please let us know in the comments below. That wraps it, guys! if you are an animal and nature lover you are in the right place join MY PET PLANT FAMILY

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350+ Parrots & Birds Leg Ring / Bands Size Thu, 26 May 2022 17:52:21 +0000 350+ Parrots & Birds Leg Ring / Bands Size Read More ยป

What is the purpose of bird leg rings? Sometimes it is difficult to tell birds apart. Using bird-leg rings makes it easier. Keep track of the age of your birds. Keep track of their relationship. Find out who your breeding pairs are. Determine the sexes of similar-looking bird breeds. and many more. but the legs of each bird are different sizes. Thus, we need to know the bird’s ring size, or else the bird’s ring will damage the bird’s legs. Here is a list of 350+ Parrots & Bird’s Leg Ring/Band Sizes ordered alphabetically by bird name.

Birds Leg Ring / Leg Bands Size Details


  1. African Grey Parrot – Congo leg ring size11.0mm
  2. African Grey Parrot – Timneh leg ring size 9.5mm
  3. African Ring-necked Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  4. Albino Cockatiel birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  5. Alexandra’s Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 6.0mm
  6. Alexandrine Parakeet leg ring size 8.7mm
  7. Amazon Parrot leg ring size11.0mm
  8. Amboina King Parrot leg ring size 7.6mm
  9. Andaman Island Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  10. Antipodes Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm
  11. Argentina Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  12. Aru Red-sided Eclectus Parrot leg ring size 11.0mm
  13. Aymara Parakeet leg ring size 4.0mm


  1. Bare-eyed Cockatoo birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  2. Bare-eyed Corella birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  3. Barnard’s Parakeet leg ring size is 6.0mm
  4. Barraband Parakeet leg ring size 6.0mm
  5. Barred Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm
  6. Belize Yellow-headed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  7. Black Lory birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  8. Black Masked Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  9. Black Parrot leg ring size 11.0mm
  10. Black-billed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  11. Black-capped Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  12. Black-capped Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  13. Black-capped Lory birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  14. Black-cheeked Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  15. Black-collared Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  16. Black-faced Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  17. Black-headed Caique birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  18. Black-tailed Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  19. Black-winged Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  20. Blood-eared Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  21. Blossom-headed Parakeet leg ring size 7.0mm
  22. Blue & Gold Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  23. Blue Mountain Lory birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  24. Blue Quaker Parrot leg ring size 6.0mm
  25. Blue Ring-necked Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  26. Blue-bonnet Parakeet, Bluebonnet (Australian) leg ring size 5.3mm
  27. Blue-cheeked Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  28. Blue-crowned Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  29. Blue-crowned Conure birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  30. Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  31. Blue-eared Lorikeet birds leg bands size 4.0mm
  32. Blue-eyed Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  33. Blue-fronted Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  34. Blue-headed Macaw birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  35. Blue-headed Parakeet leg ring size 5.3mm
  36. Blue-headed Pionus birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  37. Blue-naped Parrot leg ring size 8.7mm
  38. Blue-rumped Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  39. Blue-throated Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  40. Blue-throated Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  41. Blue-winged Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  42. Blue-winged Parakeet (Australian)leg ring size 4.1mm
  43. Blue-winged Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  44. Bodin’s Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  45. Bolivian Blue-fronted Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  46. Bourke’s Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  47. Brazilian Grey-breasted Conurebirds leg bands size 5.3mm
  48. Bronze-winged Pionusbirds leg bands size 8.7mm
  49. Brown Parrotleg ring size 7.0mm
  50. Brown-eared Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  51. Brown-headed Parrotleg ring size 7.0mm
  52. Brown-necked Parrot leg ring size 11.0mm
  53. Brown-throated Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  54. Budgerigar Show (English) birds leg bands size 4.3mm, 4.5mm
  55. Budgerigar Wild Bush (Australian) birds leg bands size 3.5mm, 4.0mm
  56. Budgerigar, Shell Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 4.0mm, 4.1mm
  57. Buffon’s Macaw birds leg bands size 15.0mm


  1. Caatinga Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  2. Cactus Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  3. Canary-winged Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm & 4.5mm
  4. Caninde Macaw birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  5. Cape Parrotleg ring size 9.5mm
  6. Cardinal Lorybirds leg bands size 7.6mm
  7. Caribbean Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  8. Catalina Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  9. Celestial Parrotletleg ring size 4.3mm
  10. Channel Billed Toucan birds leg bands size11.0mm
  11. Chapman’s Conurebirds leg bands size 8.7mm
  12. Chapman’s Mealy Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  13. Chattering Lorybirds leg bands size 7.0mm
  14. Cherry-headed Conurebirds leg bands size 7.6mm
  15. Citron-crested Cockatoobirds leg bands size 9.5mm
  16. Cloncurry Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 6.0mm
  17. Cobalt-winged Parakeetleg ring size 5.3mm
  18. Cockatiel Mutations (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  19. Cockatiel, Quarrion, Weiro (Australian) birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  20. Common Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  21. Congo African Grey birds leg bands size11.0mm
  22. Coral-billed Pionus birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  23. Cornelia’s Eclectus Parrot leg ring size11.0mm
  24. Costa Rica Mealy Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  25. Crimson bellied Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  26. Crimson Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  27. Crimson-bellied Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  28. Crimson-bellied Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  29. Crimson-winged Parakeet leg ring size 7.0mm
  30. Cuban Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm


  1. Demerara Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  2. Deplanche’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  3. Derby Parakeet leg ring size 8.7mm
  4. Diademed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  5. Double Yellow-headed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  6. Double-Eyed Fig-Parrot (Australian)leg ring size 5.5mm
  7. Ducorps’s Cockatoo birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  8. Dufresne’s Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  9. Duivenbode’s Lory birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  10. Dusky Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  11. Dusky Lory birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  12. Dusky Pionus birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  13. Dusky-headed Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  14. Duyvenbode’s Lory birds leg bands size 7.6mm


  1. Eastern Long-billed Corella birds leg bands size11.0mm
  2. Eastern Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  3. Eclectus Parrot New Guinea leg ring size11.0mm
  4. Eclectus Parrot, Red Sided (Australian) leg ring size 9.5mm
  5. Edward’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  6. Elegant Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  7. Emerald Lorikeet birds leg bands size 4.3mm


  1. Festive Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  2. Fiery-shouldered Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  3. Fig Parrotleg ring size 4.5mm
  4. Finsch’s Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  5. Fischer’s Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  6. Forsten’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm


  1. Galah (Australian) (Rose Breasted Cockatoo) birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  2. Gang Gang Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  3. Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  4. Goffin’s Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  5. Golden Conure birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  6. Golden-capped Conure birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  7. Golden-mantled Rosella birds leg bands size 6.0mm & 6.4mm
  8. Golden-Shouldered Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.3mm
  9. Goldie’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  10. Grass Parakeets (Australian) leg ring size 4.0mm
  11. Great Green Macaw birds leg bands size 15.0mm & 15.7mm
  12. Great-billed Parrot leg ring size 11.0mm
  13. Greater Patagonian Conure birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  14. Greater Sulphur C Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  15. Greater Vasa Parrot leg ring size 12.7mm
  16. Greater Yellow Headed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  17. Green Hanging Parrotleg ring size 4.0mm
  18. Green Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  19. Green-cheeked Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  20. Green-cheeked Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm (5.3mm)
  21. Green-fronted Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  22. Green-naped Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  23. Green-rumped Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  24. Green-thighed Caique birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  25. Green-winged King Parakeet leg ring size11.0mm
  26. Green-winged Macaw birds leg bands size15.0mm
  27. Grey-cheeked Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm
  28. Grey-hooded Parakeet leg ring size 4.0mm


  1. Hahn’s Macaw birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  2. Harlequin Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  3. Hawk-headed Parrot leg ring size 9.5mm
  4. Hispaniolan Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  5. Honduras Yellow-headed Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  6. Hooded Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.3mm
  7. Horned Parakeet leg ring size 6.0mm
  8. Hyacinth Macaw birds leg bands size15.7mm


  1. Illiger’s Macaw birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  2. Indian Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  3. Indian Ringneck Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  4. Iris Lorikeet birds leg bands size 5.3mm


  1. Jardine’s Parrot leg ring size 8.7mm
  2. Jenday Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm


  1. Kakariki birds leg bands size 4.3mm & 4.5mm
  2. King Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 7.6mm


  1. Leadbeater’s Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  2. Lesser Patagonian Conure birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  3. Lesser Sulphur C Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  4. Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  5. Lesser Vasa Parrot leg ring size 8.7mm
  6. Lilac-crowned Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  7. Lilacine Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  8. Lineolated Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm
  9. Little Corella – short-billed (Australian) birds leg bands size 11mm
  10. Little Lorikeet (Australian) birds leg bands size 4.3mm
  11. Long-Billed Black-Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size 11mm
  12. Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm & 4.5mm
  13. Lutino Ring-necked Parakeetleg ring size 7.6mm


  1. M S C Cockatoo birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  2. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  3. Malabar Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  4. Malaysian Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  5. Mallee Ringneck (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  6. Maroon-bellied Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  7. Masked Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  8. Maximilian’s Pionus birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  9. Mealy Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  10. Mealy Rosella birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  11. Medium Sulphur Crested Cockatoo birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  12. Mexican Green Macaw birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  13. Mexican Parrotletleg ring size 4.0mm
  14. Mexican Red-headed Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  15. Meyer’s Lorikeetbirds leg bands size 5.3mm
  16. Meyer’s Parrotleg ring size 7.0mm
  17. Military Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  18. Mitred Conure birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  19. Moluccan Cockatoo birds leg bands size12.7mm
  20. Moluccan Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  21. Monk Parakeet leg ring size 6.0mm
  22. Moszkowski’s Green-winged King Parrotleg ring size 7.6mm
  23. Mountain Parakeet leg ring size 3.5mm
  24. Moustached Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  25. Mulga Parrot (Australian)leg ring size 5.5mm
  26. Musk Lorikeet (Australian) birds leg bands size 5.3mm


  1. Nanday Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  2. Neophema (Australian)birds leg bands size 4.1mm
  3. Noble’s Macaw birds leg bands size 7.6mm & 8mm
  4. Northern Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm


  1. Obi Violet-necked Lory birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  2. Ochre-marked Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  3. Orange-bellied Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  4. Orange-fronted Hanging Parrot leg ring size 4.0mm
  5. Orange-winged Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm


  1. Pacific Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  2. Painted Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  3. Pale-headed Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 6mm
  4. Pallid Caique birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  5. Palm Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size12.7mm
  6. Panama Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  7. Patagonian Conure birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  8. Peach-faced African Lovebird leg bands size 4.3mm
  9. Peach-fronted Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  10. Pearly Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  11. Pearly Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  12. Pennant Rosella birds leg bands size 6.0mm & 6.4mm
  13. Pesquet’s Parrot leg ring size 12.7mm
  14. Philippine Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  15. Pileated Parakeet leg ring size 5.3mm
  16. Pineapple green cheeked conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  17. Plum-headed Parakeet leg ring size 7.0mm
  18. Port Lincoln Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 6.0mm
  19. Primrose Cheeked Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  20. Princess Parrot, Princess of Wales Parakeet (Australian)leg ring size 6.0mm
  21. Purple-Crowned Lorikeet (Australian) birds leg bands size 4.3mm


  1. Quaker Parakeet leg ring size 6.0mm
  2. Queen of Bavaria Conurebirds leg bands size 8.7mm


  1. Rainbow Lory (Australian) birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  2. Red Rosellabirds leg bands size 5.3mm
  3. Red Spectacled Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  4. Red-bellied Macaw birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  5. Red-bellied Parrot leg ring size 7.0mm
  6. Red-Billed Toucan birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  7. Red-browed Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  8. Red-capped Parrotleg ring size 7.6mm
  9. Red-collared Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  10. Red-crowned Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  11. Red-flanked lory birds leg bands size 4.3mm
  12. Red-fronted Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  13. Red-fronted Macaw birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  14. Red-headed Conure birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  15. Red-lored Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  16. Red-masked Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  17. Red-necked Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  18. Red-rumped Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.3mm
  19. Red-shouldered Macaw birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  20. Red-Tailed Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  21. Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size12.7mm
  22. Red-throated Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  23. Red-topped Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  24. Red-vented Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  25. Red-Winged Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 7.6mm
  26. Regent Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 7.6mm
  27. Ringneck Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 6.0mm
  28. Rock Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  29. Rock Pebble birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  30. Rose-breasted Cockatoo (Galah) birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  31. Rose-crowned Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  32. Rose-ringed Parakeet leg ring size 7.6mm
  33. Roseate Cockatoo birds leg bands size 8.7mm & 9.5mm
  34. Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  35. Ruppell’s Parrotleg ring size 7.0mm


  1. Salmon-crested Cockatoo birds leg bands size12.7mm
  2. Salvin’s Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  3. Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (Australian) birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  4. Scarlet Macaw birds leg bands size12.7mm
  5. Scarlet-chested Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  6. Senegal Parrotleg ring size 7.0mm
  7. Severe Macaw birds leg bands size11.0mm
  8. Sierra Parakeet leg ring size 4.0mm
  9. Slaty-headed Parakeet leg ring size 6.0mm
  10. Slender-billed Cockatoo birds leg bands size11.0mm
  11. Souancei’s Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  12. Spectacled Amazon birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  13. Spectacled Parrotlet leg ring size 4.0mm
  14. Splendid Grass Parakeet leg ring size 4.0mm
  15. St Lucia Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  16. St Vincent’s Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  17. Stanley Rosella birds leg bands size 4.3mm
  18. Stella’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  19. Sun Conure birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  20. Superb Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 7.6mm
  21. Swainson’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  22. Swift Parrot (Australian) leg ring size 4.3mm


  1. Tanimbar Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  2. Tasman Rosella birds leg bands size 6.0mm
  3. Thick-billed Parrot leg ring size 9.5mm
  4. Timneh African Grey birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  5. Timor Cockatoo birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  6. Toco Toucan birds leg bands size15.0mm
  7. Tres Marias Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  8. Triton Cockatoo birds leg bands size12.7mm
  9. Tucuman Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  10. Turquoise Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 4.1mm
  11. Twenty-eight Parakeet (Australian) leg ring size 6.0mm


  1. Umbrella Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm


  1. Varied Lorikeet (Australian) birds leg bands size 5.5mm
  2. Vinaceous Amazon birds leg bands size 11.0mm


  1. Wagler’s Conure birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  2. Wagler’s Macaw birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  3. Weber’s Lorikeet birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  4. Weddell’s Conurebirds leg bands size 6.0mm
  5. Western Corella birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  6. Western Long-billed Corella birds leg bands size 11.0mm
  7. Western Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  8. White Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  9. White-bellied Caiquebirds leg bands size 7.6mm
  10. White-breasted Conurebirds leg bands size 5.3mm
  11. White-capped Pionusbirds leg bands size 8.7mm
  12. White-crested Cockatoo birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  13. White-eared Conurebirds leg bands size 5.3mm
  14. White-eyed Conurebirds leg bands size 7.0mm
  15. White-fronted Amazon birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  16. White-tailed Black Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size 12.7mm
  17. White-winged Parakeet leg ring size 5.3mm


  1. Yellow Rosella (Australian) birds leg bands size 7.6mm
  2. Yellow-backed Chattering Lory birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  3. Yellow-bibbed Lory birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  4. Yellow-billed Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  5. Yellow-cheeked Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  6. Yellow-cheeked Conure birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  7. Yellow-collared Lory birds leg bands size 7.0mm
  8. Yellow-collared Macaw birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  9. Yellow-crowned Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  10. Yellow-crowned Parrot leg ring size11.0mm
  11. Yellow-faced Amazon birds leg bands size 9.5mm
  12. Yellow-fronted Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  13. Yellow-fronted Parakeet leg ring size 4.3mm
  14. Yellow-headed Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  15. Yellow-lored Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  16. Yellow-naped Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  17. Yellow-naped Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  18. Yellow-naped Macaw birds leg bands size 8.7mm
  19. Yellow-shouldered Amazon birds leg bands size11.0mm
  20. Yellow-sided Conure birds leg bands size 5.3mm
  21. Yellow-streaked Lorybirds leg bands size 7.6mm & 8mm
  22. Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (Australian) birds leg bands size12.7mm
  23. Yellow-thighed Caiquebirds leg bands size 7.6mm
  24. Yellow-throated Hanging Parrotleg ring size 4.3mm

*Note: Read carefully some bird’s ring sizes may vary, so check with your bird’s ring provider before ordering.

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